Imagine a life in which...
* Your every move is monitored and any modicum you had of privacy is totally eliminated. Satellites track and follow you wherever you go. Your phone is tapped. Your mail is routinely tampered with. Your computer is repeatedly hacked into and you're stalked online. Surveillance vehicles park outside your house, watching you day after day, year after year.
* There are times when you don't know where your next meal is coming from, as you were financially bankrupted in order to better "control you".
* You live life looking over your shoulder as repeated attempts have already been made on your life - even by physicians you trusted to "do no harm" to you.
* Your character is assassinated via fake manufactured files of lies about you (and worse), your friends and family are contacted with lies about you in order to isolate you, giving your attackers better control over you. You're made out to be "mentally ill", "criminally insane", "paranoid schizophrenic" by the government to discredit the truth you speak about that government.
* You can't feel safe at home in that your home has been broken into so many times.
* Your vehicle and home are routinely sabotaged, vandalized.
* You are gangstalked using sophisticated psychological warfare techniques, the object being to drive you to commit suicide.
* You are covertly injected with a deadly biowarfare agent that leaves you disabled and dying.
* You are physically and mentally tortured for years on end with psycho-electronic and EMR (electro magnetic radiation) weaponry, leaving you with microwave burns, blisters, bruises all over your body - not to mention your very cells mutating in your body.
* Toxic chemtrails are laid over your house on an almost daily basis, your water has been contaminated with toxins, your house is "gassed" with toxins.
* You're drugged with GHB.
* You return home to find your pets murdered.
* You are run out of every job you secure - and are workplaced mobbed by your co-workers on a daily basis to help run you out.
Imagine a life like this in which you learn there is NO ONE you can turn to for help, NO ONE you can trust. This has been my life for the past ten years as a target of law enforcement and the U.S. Illuminati shadow government. My "crime"? Knowing too much about that shadow government and the crimes against humanity it commits and being willing to warn all of you about what that government has in store for YOU. My "crime" is being a whistleblower and resistor of the Illuminati New World Order.
No, I am not a "whacked out conspiracy theorist" and if you're tempted to think I am, then I suggest you Google "George Green and Armageddon Global 2000", "FEMA Concentration Camps", "Rex 84", "Operation Garden Plot", "Georgia Guidestones" - just for starters!
In fact, I used to be just like you - running the 9 to 5 rat race to line the Illuminati's pockets, oblivious to everything transpiring around me, save what applied to me personally. Like you, I was what our Illuminati shadow government refers to as a "debt slave", "useless eater", "Sheeple". I worried about the price of gas and food, whether or not I had job security and could pay my bills. I thought the Good 'Ol US of A was the greatest thing since sliced bread, a democracy where we actually elected our leaders to office. I even believed we'd actually won a War of Independence that separated us from England, waved my American flag and proudly marched in July 4th parades along side our nation's finest, our military veterans!
It was only through exhaustive, daily researching that spanned a ten year period (and is still ongoing) that I learned everything I'd been taught and believed about our country was an OUT AND OUT LIE. Did I want to believe it at first? Absolutely not! But having been in law enforcement, I was also aware that if a crime has been committed, one need only put aside one's preconceived notions, look at who stood to profit from that crime, and follow the chain of evidence that inevitably ends at the doorstep of the perpetrator(s) of that crime. I'm going to ask you to do the same in reading this blog, that your eyes might be opened to the imminent dangers you and your loved ones are in and the heinous agenda our government has perpetrated right under your noses since May 1, 1776 in the United States.
I'll even make things easy for you in laying that trail of evidence out for you to follow.
Because the Illuminati crimes against humanity are so extensive and complex, spanning literally thousands of years, I've broken this blog down into sections, documenting their various crimes by topic. However, I encourage you to read all the sections for only then can you get the BIG picture as far as what's been perpetrated on you by both your own and world government in order to bring into existence their evil New World Order. One in which you and your loved ones will be executed to death as among those "useless eaters", in one of the 800 FEMA concentration camps currently operational in this country.
An awakening has begun occurring amongst Americans once oblivious to what's going on in this country, a realization that we "whack job conspiracy theorists" were right all along with the warnings we'd been giving for years. I hope you'll join that awakening and unite with us in fighting to save this country so many have fought and died for, and to bring these Illuminati criminals to justice.
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